The Good: My computer crisis has been (mostly) averted; still some files to transfer back onto here; new hard drive was installed yesterday and so far, everything seems fine and the Internet is working better now...
The Bad: ...except that I can't get some of the Javascript on some sites (well, specifically, the file that I use as my homepage) to show up in bloody Internet Explorer. Had the same problem when my computer was new, and somehow I fixed it back then, eventually, but I've tried everything and it isn't helping.
Also, I let somebody borrow my Law notes last week to photocopy, and just now, I was all settled down to start studying off of them and noticed that, not only were they all in completely the wrong order, but that somewhere in the course of photocopying each handout (several pages stapled together) got un-stapled and subsequently re-stapled.
WRONGLY. OH DEAR GOD. I have Practice Cases that pertain to specific chapters that I'm now going to have to puzzle out slowly and reattach in the proper places so that my notes MAKE THE SLIGHTEST BIT OF BLOODY SENSE. HOW HARD IS IT TO AT LEAST KEEP THE FREAKIN' PAPERS IN THE SAME ORDER, EVEN IF YOU DON'T RESTAPLE THEM AT ALL??? Which, in fact, is preferable to stapling them in some random, annoying way. GAAAAAAAAAAAH.
The Ugly: Okay, well there is nothing particularly ugly right now, but hey, needed the category for completeness's sake. :P
ETA: HA! Take that, Microsoft! :P Apparently my homepage file was considered a "Restricted site" (it's not even ON the Internet, for grief's sake, and I made the page myself) so I went in and made my restricted site security settings LESS bloody secure so that I can actually see everything properly. *rolls eyes* And I'm pretty sure that's not what I did the last time, but...hey, it works, so whatever.